Abdi Shukri Yasin
Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Directorate Director
Tell: +251915655016
Institutional Email:- abdishukri@kdu.edu.et
Personal Email:- shukriyasin114@hotmail.com
The Internal Quality Assurance System of Kabridahar University is based on inputs, processes and outputs. It is structured in such a comprehensive way that takes into account all the key players of the institution from departmental level to college and university levels.
The Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Directorate is headed by a Director who is accountable to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Director also chairs the Quality Assurance Steering Committee at University level. Under the directorate, there are Experts, and Quality Assurance Coordinators of all colleges followed by the Departmental Quality Assurance Team (DQAT).
The ASQAD aspires to create KDU that is one of the leading higher education institutions in the country for natural resource management and utilization, pastoral and agro-pastoral community education, research and technology transfer by 2030 through assuring the quality and relevance of the university core services.
The mission of the ASQAD is to monitor, evaluate and continually improve quality of the University’s educational, research and community services.
Some of the major achievements of the directorate include:
- Establishment of well-organized and functional Quality Assurance Structure at all levels from departmental level to college and university levels;
- Development of different policies and guidelines mainly the academic program development/modification guideline; institutional quality assurance policy; quality enhancement action plan; quality audit checklist; and teaching-learning monitoring system guideline;
- Successfully undertaken the institutional quality self-evaluation and also facilitated the external quality audit carried out by ETA (former HERQA);
- Organized and coordinates year-long training programs like the HDP and ELIC;
- Delivered various quality related short-term capacity building trainings;
- Prepared the graduate tracer study proposal, and will soon undertake the study; and
- Regular monitoring of the teaching, learning, assessment processes and learning facilities.