Yohannes Kumie Mekuriaw
Head, Department of Economics
Tell:- +251934598549
Institutional Email:- yohannes320@kdu.edu.et
Personal Email:- yohannesk07@gmail.com
In Kebri Dehar University department of Economics was opened with university itself in 2015. The department has been doing well to produce qualified citizens who went to participate in research and development, teaching and consultancy service that the economy demands and thereby contribute towards the fulfillment of the development policies and strategies of the country. Currently, there are 229 students enrolled in both regular and extension programs pursuing their studies towards the Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and 22 students enrolled in regular programs of Masters of Science in Development Economics. The aim of the program is to produce high level professionals in Economics who will serve to contribute to the country’s effort to realize sustainable economic development. Staffs, the department has 19 full-time teaching staffs: 1 Assistant Professors (expatriate), 1 Associated Professor (expatriate), 7 lecturers and 3 graduate assistants and 7 staff Members are on study leaves (6 Masters)
At present, the Department runs the following programs:
Undergraduate Programs
BA Programs
- BA in Economics
These programs are being offered in Regular and Extension
Postgraduate Programs
Master Programs
- MSc in Development Economics
These programs are being offered in Regular
Vision of the department is to be one of the leading departments in countries by 2030 and be exemplary through the provision of quality education in subject areas of economics, undertaking research and community service.
The mission of the department is enhancing the intellectual and economic strength of our country and transform pastoral and agro-pastoral economies through our academic program, research and community outreach activities.
Admission Requirements
- BA in Economics
The department is a program of study that normally takes four years (including freshman program) to complete for full time regular students and five to six years for part time students. The department will admit if the student:
- Has successfully completed preparatory level schools and passed entrance examination for the University prepared by Ministry of Education.
- Has successfully completed freshman program and assigned to the department on a regular program base by the University
- Is able to pass the standards set by the department
MSc in Economics
Candidates with BA/BSc in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Resource Economics and Management, Natural Resources Economics, Environmental Economics, Development Economics and Statistics are eligible for the program. Applicants who have completed BA/BSc degree in related field(s) of study other than listed in (1) above but have taken two core economics courses (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics) and Mathematics specific to their field (e.g. Mathematics for Finance, Mathematics for Managers, etc) with 3 credit hours and scored a minimum of C grade at undergraduate level are eligible.