Agricultural Economics Department

Melese Alemu Desale

Department of Agricultural Economics Head

Tell:-  +251928382326

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Department of Agricultural Economics (AgEc)

The department of Agricultural Economics is one of the programs which was launched in
Kebridahar University as department in 2010 E.C., to generate the skilled Agricultural
Economists professionals, high quality education as well as to conduct demand driven problem
solving researches and community services.
Mission, Vision, Values and Objectives of this Department
1.1. Vision
To be the first from East African Agricultural Economics department in quality of education,
research and community services by 2030 E.c.
Department of Agricultural Economics has a mission of extending high quality education,
conducting problem solving research and community service and generating skilled, proficient
and competitive professionals for country development.
1.3. Objectives of the Program
The general objective of the program is to create competent, highly skilled and committed
Agricultural Economics professionals capable of bringing difference in commercialization of the
To produce Agricultural Economics professionals equipped with the knowledge and ability to
enhance commercialization of agricultural development, to produce socially accountable
personnel who would give alternative solutions to Productivity problems.