Information Communication Technology Directorate.
Office of the ICT Directorate Director administers the university’s main IT infrastructures including the data center, networks, softwires and all ICT equipment.
The office of ICT Directorate supports the learning, research and community service avails various services at its premises. ICT Directorate is in charge of managing the central ICT infrastructure, the databases, interfaces, portals and websites.
The service delivery is organized into five categories:
Technology for Teaching and Learning
ICT infrastructure and services
Application system development and administration
Training and consultancy
Technical support and maintenance
For efficient task execution, each part is discharged by specialised team Infrastructure:
The University recently owns a campus LAN system with standardised data centre, fiber backbone and horizontal cabling. Wi-Fi is also available to support mobility. Virtualized servers will also be deployed to host available systems.
Available Systems:
e–Library System
Human Resource Information Management System
Student Service Management System
E-learning management System
File sharing System
What do you need?
For network, connectivity, server and related issues please contact the ICT Infrastructure and service team
The application development and administration team is dedicated to automate the processes of the host institution
The e-Library and e-Learning team is in charge of designing and implementing integrated online learning management systems
In-house and outsourced training usually managed by the training and consultancy team, consultation for clients and stakeholders run by this team
Users support, preventive and corrective maintenance handled by the technical support and maintenance team.